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‘Bobrisky’s only gives me money, I’m not his bae’ – Pretty Mike opens up



The luxury club owner, Pretty Mike has reveals details about his relationship with Bobrisky, his style and personal life. In a recent interview with NET, Pretty Mike denies being Bobrisky’s bae. Read interview below:


Critics say you do all that you do for attention, what’s your reaction to this?

Pretty Mike: If they say I’m seeking attention, that is fine. I’ve always been talked about even while I was in school, so I am used to criticism.

It is sad that people don’t know you before they form opinions about you.

 But your name sounds feminine, where did you get the ‘pretty’ prefix from?

Pretty Mike: Well, it was given to me by members of my basketball team then, and it has stuck since then.

Pretty Mike was a synonym for someone who is ‘bad at what he does in a good way’ so my friends added pretty to my name.

You have been linked with Bobrisky, how did you meet him?

‘Bobrisky patronised my club and is a friend’

Pretty Mike: I met him some years ago, when he used to come to my club with his friends, he patronised me a lot and is my friend.

He is receiving lots of attention on social media and has managed to keep his ‘bae’ secret and by mentioning all that ‘bae’ has done for him.  

Should I then say because of his uniqueness, I should betray him or deny him? I’m sure you have friends who you feel you should stand up for at any point in time.

So you have never been romantically involved with him?

Pretty Mike: No, I’m not gay, If you ask around, you will know I am a ladies’ man, I live my life not minding what people will think about me. I grew up with my sisters, so I’m used to ladies.

What of all the money you were said to have allegedly given him

Pretty Mike: (laughter) All those huge amounts of money, five million, seven million? I pray o.

He is the one who gives me money by patronising my club business.

So you have never given him money?

Pretty Mike: No, I haven’t.

You recently wore a robe for a function, were people not wondering what was going on?

Pretty Mike in a robe with his girls

Pretty Mike: Actually, I got the robe and wore it around the house and it looked really cool, and I thought to myself, wow, Mike it will be cool if you wore this out, and I did.

Well, some people are already used to Pretty Mike’s style, most times people just stood to take pictures with me.

Those ladies always with you, how do you recruit them?

Pretty Mike: It’s not about recruitment, it’s about how I treat every individual I come across.

Where does your inspiration come from?

Pretty Mike: Most times, I just think about being comfortable in whatever I wear. I get my inspiration from above, more so, it’s just me.

Some of your critics also think you are not psychologically alright. What’s your reaction to this?

Pretty Mike: Everyone has psychological issues, but it’s just the degree or extent that we don’t know. But who gives the yardstick or rules about who is okay or not?

If Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton and others were normal, do you think they would be seen as the phenomenon that they are today?

Even as a reporter that you are, there are some things that you will do which people will not regard as normal. The society sets standard and yardsticks, but who are people( just like you and I) to judge.

Well, I too cannot complain, because I would probably judge one or two people as well.

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