Blasphemy: The joke that has become Nigeria as Pastor calls Buhari out over Jesus comment

The trend in the north over the murder of Deborah Samuel has left everyone looking for straws to pinch the next person with, regarding the subject of religion. And sooner, the trend started by the Muslim north will leave people talking less about religion in public.
In the wave and heat from the saga, Pastor Yinka Yusuf has tackled Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari over his comments on Jesus Christ.
The Pastor drags Buhari on blasphemy charge for calling Jesus a prophet, which is far from what the figure is viewed as in Christianity and more so by Christians.
Speaking to his congregation, the clergy said he listened to a broadcast by President Buhari where he stated that Islam ‘respects and believes in all prophets, even Jesus Christ’.
According to the Pastor, he labeled the statement as a blasphemous comment. He went farther to stress that Jesus never called himself a prophet rather.
In his words Yinka said:
”I was listening to the television two days ago and our dear president, President Buhari said something. He said our religion respects and believes in all prophets, even Jesus Christ. That is blasphemy. Calling Jesus Christ a prophet is blasphemy because Jesus is not a prophet…but that’s the problem with religion.
If Blasphemy is calling God who he is not, Jesus from the day he was on earth till today, people are still calling him who he is not.
Jesus is not a prophet; he is too big to be a prophet. Never once did he call himself a prophet. It was the Jews that called him a prophet. He never called himself prophet because he is not a prophet. A prophet is a messenger. Who will he be a messenger to? He is the message. How can the message become a messenger?”
Obviously, the clergyman has a point, and considering in Nigeria, some people aren’t ready to tolerate the faults of others and in so doing take matters into their own hands while still in defense of their actions, it won’t be surprising if other Nigerians start calling for the ‘lynching of the President’.
Be that as it may, the government should move into action and handle the crisis in the North before the whole country becomes a victim.