Best Successful Tips To Pass Any Examination In Nigeria

A friend of mine once said that “Nigeria’s education is over-examined”, and i totally agree with him. This is true because studying in Nigeria requires that you write a lot of examinations. Ranging from Common Entrance, Junior WAEC, WASSCE, GCE, NECO, NABTEB, JAMB, SAT, TOEFL, Departmental Examinations, Post UTME, Aptitude Test, just to mention but a few.
Best Successful Tips to Pass Any Examination in Nigeria
NOTE: You have to pass every examination you sit for in Nigeria, else…
Best Successful Tips to Pass Any Examination in Nigeria
If you have difficulty studying or just want to get more time to devote to the study, notes these simple tips. In this article we collect the keys that have led many students to be first class.
With good habits and a set of guidelines to notes, getting good grades will be easier. Just a little effort to learn more and get more out of the time spent studying.
You have to be clear about how you will use the time. The first is to plan and decide what you learn and how much time you spend.
You must study all the time you need without leaving half-an issue or problem, to get to study a different matter. Otherwise, we learned that it will be so confused as not studying anything.
Make a list of all the activities you will perform that evening. It is advisable to have a schedule of daily study, but realistic, taking into account your abilities.
Arrange the activities. For which start? Some experts advise that you start with the easiest-to encourage you to continue studying. Others believe that it is preferable to start with the difficult subjects, and take them off of the way as soon as possible. You choose according to your own experience.
The schedule must be flexible and prepared for the unexpected. It will help you not accumulate overdue tasks.
Do not forget to include in your schedule time for rest and leisure.
By taking notes about listening to everything the teacher says.
Stand close, as you will better position to see and hear.
You must pay close attention to the beginning of class. It is just the time when the teacher gives an overview of the topic.
Adopt good posture in the chair. Will facilitate attend and therefore understand the class.
While you are taking notes, you need to discover what ideas are primary, secondary or anecdotal.
If the teacher says something is very important, highlight it. It is likely to fall on the exam.
Leave space or room for subsequent entries.
If there is any explanation you have not caught, leaves room for completion at the end of the class.
To study well how important it is to have a good physical and mental condition. Vegetables, fish, milk, eggs and fruits: 16. A balanced diet rich in phosphorus, calcium and vitamins is recommended. Remember that food is your fuel.
Do not overdo large meals. The bloating prevents you from studying.
It is advisable to eat small amounts, but several times a day.
Sleep between 7 and 9 hours. Rest is essential to study.
If you are someone who is stressed and want to ensure a peaceful sleep, take a warm bath before dinner or bedtime.
The deep breathing exercises also relax.
Exercise regularly is another good practice against stress.
We should not take stimulants to study. Caffeine-rich beverages such as coffee or cola, can put you nervous and produce the opposite effect you want.
Get used to have a fixed study schedule.
Take breaks of 5-10 minutes every hour.
It is recommended to study from Monday to Saturday from 2-3 hours a day.
Manage time well studied. Time is difficult to control and easily wasted on unproductive tasks without goals.
Use on Sundays for leisure and your hobbies.
Do not leave the studio for the last time. The rush does not help learning. Begins to prepare for exams since the beginning of the course.
Study always in the same room. It will help you concentrate.
The place of study should be aerated and ventilated.
There must be a suitable temperature. Neither too cold nor too hot.
Study in a quiet room. In any case, soft music.
Make sure that there are no distractions like television, radio, games, mobile or ornaments on the table.
The work table must have all the necessary study material.
The light should preferably be natural, if not white or blue. You must come from the side opposite the hand you write.
We recommend a hose with a blue bulb 60 w. In the rest of the dimly lit room.
The table and the chair must be consistent with your height.
The chair should be comfortable but not excessively and support.
The trunk should be stretched and his back against the back of the chair.
You must be about 30 centimeters notes or study book.
It is important to be decided at the time to get to school. You have to psych it’s a job to do and is best done with enthusiasm and joy.
First leafing through the lesson.
Separate parts that comprise it.
Look at the pictures and graphics.
Try to compare this issue with previously acquired knowledge.
Make an initial synthesis of the subject.
Try to understand the subject before you start to stress.
Emphasis critical selection. You must highlight the main ideas.
Underlined must make complete sense.
Stresses the main ideas in red or double line.
Stresses in blue or simple stripe secondary ideas, examples and data.
It is advisable to use more than two colors.
A vertical line in the margin means that the entire paragraph mark.
Other signs that you can use are rounding to numbering or classifications; box to set, name or key dates; question, when evidence of error admiration for checking an assertion; point when you have to complete with other readings …
It is advisable to emphasize between 25 and 30% of the text.
Order of logically the main ideas underlined.
Sort them according to your criteria.
Use your own words. Then it will be easier to memorize.
First of all brevity, short, precise and clear sentences.
Try saying everything important in the smallest possible space.
The scheme should have a clean presentation.
You can use the arrows symbol as connecting links
You must make a title that summarizes the content.
Divide the subject into three or four sections that collect several main ideas and hang them secondary.
Leave space in the margins for subsequent entries.
Use the same indentation for the same sections.
There are several kinds of schemes: numeric (numbers only), Mixed (Roman numerals, uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers …) and the summary table (graphics or keys).
Use the overview to dates, names, numbers …
It is usually done after the underscore and having studied the subject.
It should be trying not to look at the notes.
It should be short but with all the main ideas.
Then you carefully read the original text to complete what is lacking.
It consists of mentally repeating the main points of emphasis or schema.
It should be of the closed book and notes aside.
You should check with the notes.
Will he repeat this step to save the scheme and be sure you know the material.
It is recommended to carry out all the best practices we have discussed. Binge last minute not work. Memory must use the days before the test mainly to save schemes.
When it comes time to relax, leave the room in which you study. Relax, eat something, talk to someone, walk, or anything else that is not related to the study. Thus you avoid mental fatigue.
It is important to be in good physical and mental condition.
Rest well the night before. Sleep least 6 hours.
Go with all the necessary material.
Before examining a few minutes to relax: take a deep breath, close your eyes … I will help control natural nerves start the test.
Always listen to the instructions of the teacher, before and during the exam. Are important.
It gives an overview of the examination time to get organized.
Distribute time and questions.
If you see a question that you do not know, do not be nervous. Leave it for last.
Make first questions you know best.
It is important to consider what type of exam going to have (development, test type …) and what does the teacher (conciseness, clarity …)
Read the questions carefully so you know exactly what you are asked.
Recalls noted in your review what the teacher has excelled in class.
Answer the question. Do not go through the hills of Ubeda.
To test development: make an outline of the points you want to try on a separate sheet.
Do not respond like a telegram, nor roll yourself too.
Go over the entire test before delivering, to take note of misspellings, omissions, writing. Equally important is knowing how to look like you know and that the teachers take into account when scoring.
Look at the back in case there are more questions. You would not be the first thing in the rush and nerves, does not answer a question that you know, just because he has not seen.
Take care of cleaning the letter and presentation. It is essential that the teacher will understand.
Quiet, failures also learned. Think and try to find the reasons why it has happened.
If you were the nerves that you have played a trick, you know, practice relaxation techniques, leaving aside the exciting drinks.
If the reason for the suspense was not studied enough or in the right way, start learning for the next tests. Keep in mind what you have failed to do so again, and take hold of these tips when dawdle.