Celeb Biographies
Beatrice Agba Nwaji: BBNaija 2021, biography, age, family, net worth

All you need to know about Beatrice Agba Nwaji popularly know as Beatrice Big Brother Naija 2021 Housemate Let’s take a look at her Biography, Nationality, Career, Age, Net worth, Family.

Beatrice Agba
Beatrice Agba Nwaji was born 1993, in Lagos Nigeria. She hails from Rivers State. She was born to southeastern parents residing in Lagos State.
Beatrice is a fashion model and upcoming actress that grew up as an exceptionally brilliant girl.
While in her hunt to become somebody, she chose to study marketing to scrabble-about nto the business world but became a computer software designer and programmer.
BBNaija Beatrice completed her primary and secondary school in Lagos. She proceeded to Tertiary Institutions, where she studied marketing at the University of Port Harcourt (UNIPORT) in Rivers State.
She can sing, dance, play basketball and football. Before then, she was a great hairstylist and a barber, that now has a fashion model and badged a fashion line to her name.
Her ability to multitask has seen her reach and achieved individual, national and global achievements and recommendations.

Beatrice Agba Nwaji
Even when it comes to games, she is always the winner or the first runner up, even when she is not familiar with the game.
Beatrice is a single mother of a five years old Son. She got married to her husband (Unknown) and prepared a divorce letter.
The young lady BBNaija Beatrice said on national Tv show that, her husband is always beating her up, and can not continue with the relationship as it can cause death — And this can make her not be the mother of her child, that why she Went for divorce (Best Option).
Beatrice who lives and works in Lagos was the first female housemate to be Evicted from the Big Brother Naija Season 6, 2021 Show. As she will not be part of the contestant anymore, she then said she is ready to rebrand her business in terms of expanding her career path.

She owns a fashion model and badged a fashion line to her name. Beatrice said going into the BBnaija house is an achievement for her, even though she’s not the winner of the season as she has been evicted.
Beatrice Agba Nwaji has an estimated net worth of $100,000-$200,000 US dollars. Has She has been evicted from BBNaija’s show, hoping to see the best of her by adding to her net worth.