how and why you should avoid getting into arguments

We all do it. Some of us do it a lot and others not as much. Arguments are unforgiving. You can’t take back what you say. And why argue over opinions anyway?  They are just concepts; there’s no actual turf that arguing defends. Arguing is so incredibly common, it almost seems necessary to many people. This is incredibly unfortunate, because arguing a lot is one of the worst things a person can do.

See some helpful tips to help you stay out of an argument:

Stop Trying to Win

Think of others’ opinions as experiences that are connected to emotions. So, when you try to discredit or win, you are essentially saying, “your experience doesn’t count.” Experiences are valid proof of why people feel the way they do, which is why people can justify their opinions.

Never Say “You’re Wrong”

It is not respectful to send someone’s opinion down the garbage shoot. Look for one aspect of the person’s opinion you can agree with. Clarify what you have heard and agree on a point.

Give Only Facts

A great way to prevent getting emotionally charged is to use facts to replace feelings.

Why You Should Stop Getting Into Arguments

  1. You Might Not Be Right.

Remember, if you got into an argument, it’s because someone else disagrees with you about something. just maybe, there is a chance that the other person could be right.


  1. Even When You Win, You Lose.

Let’s say you are right. Then what? If you are right, you were right before the argument too, so you haven’t “won” or received any benefit at all.


  1. Nobody Is Impressed.

Honestly, none of the people watching your argument think you are cool.


  1. Your Relationship Is Harmed.

Getting into an argument with someone will not make you like each other more. All that negative energy just makes all the people involved resentful towards each other.




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