Apply! United Nation’s Women in Science (WiSci) Girls STEAM Camp

The Women in Science (WiSci) camp aims to close the gender gap through access to education, mentorship opportunities, and leadership training. Girls will participate in hands-on activities to learn about various STEAM topics in a cross-cultural learning environment.
16th February 2018
-All selected participants will receive a scholarship to attend the camp free of charge. All costs associated with lodging, food, and activities during the camp are covered through the support of WiSci partners, in addition to transportation to/from the capital city of your home country (origin of departure).
-Participants can bring a limited amount of spending money for small souvenirs and snacks if they wish.
-Limited need-based financial assistance is available for direct costs associated with travel to the capital city to fly to the camp.
-Applicants must be citizens or residents of Namibia, Ethiopia, Swaziland, Kenya or the United States of America, self-identify as female and be between the ages of 15-18 to apply.
-Applicants must have the expressed permission of a parent or guardian to apply for this opportunity.
-It is required that applicants have at least one year of secondary school still left to complete, and can commit to attend the full duration of camp. Applicants should also have regular access (at least once per week) to internet at a home, school, community center, internet café or other location.
-WiSci strongly encourages all eligible candidates to apply without regards to race, ethnicity, religion, disability, income-level or level of STEAM experience.
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