APPLY: UNFCCC Momentum for Change Lighthouse Activities in Poland 2018

The search for Momentum for Change’s 2018 Lighthouse Activities is on! Spearheaded by the United Nations Climate Change Secretariat, Momentum for Change shines a light on the most innovative, scalable and replicable examples of what people around the world are doing to tackle climate change.
Selected activities under each area of focus will be recognized as Momentum for Change Lighthouse Activities and showcased at a series of special events during the United Nations Climate Change Conference this December in Katowice, Poland. Additionally, your Lighthouse Activity will be highlighted through various media channels, providing a unique chance to gain international visibility and recognition.
Momentum for Change Lighthouse Activities receive the following benefits package:
- Engagement with policy makers
- Public relations support
- Marketing support
- Address climate change mitigation or adaptation;
- Be already implemented, or in the course of implementation;
- Be scalable and/or replicable with potential for long-term impact;
- Be innovative and/or demonstrate potential for long-term transformational change;
- Deliver verifiable social and environmental benefits;
- Not be registered or have intentions to register as a clean development mechanism (CDM) or joint implementation (JI) initiative in the next two years.
- If you applied for Momentum for Change in previous years, but your activity was not selected as a Lighthouse Activity, you may reapply in 2018.
DEADLINE: April 30 2018
To apply and for more information visit here