Apply! Understanding Risk Forum

The challenges surrounding risk communication are vast. How can the ever increasing amount of scientific information and technology be harnessed to inform local decision-making to reduce and manage natural hazard risk? Can the young generation of today bridge this gap to develop meaningful and tailored risk communication solutions for local decision makers and the general public?
Collaborative methods are often used to bridge these gaps between users and producers of risk information, e.g. role play gaming, collaborative risk modelling, participatory mapping. New technologies, communication techniques and big data, e.g. mobile applications, interactive web tools, have made it easier to reach more people and deliver tailored information – but is this being applied for maximum impact? Young people have an important role to play in the development and implementation of locally applicable risk communication solutions that go beyond the ‘norm’ in their capacity as scientists, practitioners and volunteers. But solutions cannot be developed in isolation, they require a broad mix of skills from social and behavioral sciences; design, media and journalism; ICT and risk modelling; natural and physical sciences (e.g. hydrology, geology and meteorology); and community engagement.
Friday January 26th, 2018.
1. Applications are invited from young students, researchers and professionals from different disciplinary backgrounds under the age of 35.
We are looking for a diverse international group of young researchers or professionals from, but not limited to, the following backgrounds:
-Environmental science
-Modelling (e.g. hydrological, geological, economic, risk modeller etc.)
-ICT and big data
-(Urban) planning
-Social science
-Community engagement specialists or local volunteering
-Media and journalism
-Graphic design and communication
Applicants should have proven experience, skills and interest on particular aspects of risk communication, have obtained at least one university degree and have a working level of English.
Participants will be selected based on their motivation, skills, previous experience and interest in risk communication, and the ability to apply the outcomes of the event. Each team – assigned by the steering committee – will be balanced from a regional, gender and disciplinary perspective.
2. We are also looking for mentors who are interested in the topic and have relevant experience and knowledge in the field.
-Financial support is available from FM Global and NERC to support a limited number of applicants. Funding will cover costs associated with travel, accommodation and subsistence to attend the Pressure Cooker and UR Forum. NERC funding can only be used for scientists working in RCUK eligible research organisations (see list here). FM Global funding is prioritized for successful applications from Brazil, India, Mexico and Argentina. Additional funding may become available at a later date and we strongly encourage self-funded applications.
-Low cost group accommodation will be arranged in Mexico City for all the participants between 13 -18 May who are expected to stay in this accommodation on the night of the event.
-Invitation letters will be provided to all successful applicants. Successful participants are expected to attend the full UR Forum from 14-18 May.
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