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Apply! Orange Knowledge Programme Scholarships by Netherlands Government



Together with the Dutch embassies Nuffic is developing the programmes for the 52 partner countries. The Orange Knowledge Programme started mid-2017 and will be concluded in 2022.

The Orange Knowledge Programme aims to advance the development of the capacity, knowledge and quality of both individuals as well as organizations both in the field of higher and vocational education and in other fields related to the priority themes in the programme countries.




  • One of the instruments offered by the Orange Knowledge Programme are the individual scholarships, which are open to mid-career professionals who are nationals of -and living and working in the given countries (Check the official website)
  • This 5-year programme is initiated and funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and managed by Nuffic.
  • Scholarships are available for a selection of:
    • Short courses (duration 2 weeks to 12 months);
    • Master’s programmes (duration 12 – 24 months).


Check the official website for details about the eligibilities.

Eligible Regions: Afghanistan,Albania, Armenia, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Burkina, Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Colombia, Congo (DRC), Cuba, Egypt, Ethiopia, Georgia, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Liberia, Macedonia, Mali, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestinian Territories, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Surinam, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe

Application Process

  • There are 3 application rounds for individual scholarships in 2018. These open on 1 February, 7 June, and 6 September respectively.
  • Application deadlines vary per institution. After selecting a course, you need to contact the Dutch institution directly for more information about the application deadline.
  • The procedure is as follows:
    • Candidates register
    • Dutch institution nominates candidates and submits a grant application
    • Embassies check eligibility and assess applications
    • Selection results published
    • Grants awarded
  • The Dutch institution can give you more information on the various steps involved in the application and selection procedures, as well as the eligibility criteria. You can find contact information for the Dutch institutions on the official website

Apply now   Official link

