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Apply! JRD-Tata Fellowships for Visiting Scientists



The Fellowship provides an opportunity for young scientists, teachers and researchers from the developing countries to undertake research studies in India. It covers short-term, participatory research studies in all major disciplines of science and technology including engineering and medical sciences at premier research institutions in India. The Fellowship awardees are provided considerable freedom in availing the opportunity and formulating the contents of
their research work in India.

The Fellowship Applications will be scrutinized twice a year in May and November by a selection committee. On successful completion of the program, the awardees are required to submit a brief report to the centre and participate in subsequent feedback requirements on the usefulness of the program in their home country

30th April 2018 and 31st October 2018


Fellowship covers return airfare from place of work in their home country to place of work in India, boarding and lodging at the affiliated institution/s, and an adequate allowance in Indian currency to cover incidental expenses.

-Applicant (other than Indian) possessing Doctorate or Master’s Degree in Science or equivalent degree in Engineering/ Medicine and allied disciplines, below 45 years of age (as on 31 December of the previous year of selection)
affiliated to a scientific or academic institution in a developing country (Other than India).
-Applicant must possess a valid passport.

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