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Apply! INSEAD MBA Endowed Scholarship



The INSEAD MBA 91 June Endowed Scholarship award is made once a year to a disadvantaged candidate from a developing nation who demonstrates the need for financial assistance, and in particular to a candidate who is likely to return to his/her country and/or region of origin in the foreseeable future.

19 March 2018

Masters Degree


The value of scholarship is €10,000.

The INSEAD MBA 91 June Endowed Scholarship award is made once a year to a disadvantaged candidate from a developing nation who demonstrates the need for financial assistance and in particular to a candidate who is likely to return to his/her country and/or region of origin in the foreseeable future.
Financial need will be taken into consideration.
Candidates admitted to the MBA Programme with the above mentioned profiles will be considered. Financial need will be taken into consideration.

Essay topic
1).In approximately 350 words provide a concise but accurate description of your financial circumstances as well as a cash flow forecast for the year e.g. details of income (such as your income, investment income, savings, property rentals,etc) set against details of expenditure (such as local outgoings, INSEAD fees, rent living expenses). How do you expect to finance your studies if you do not obtain a scholarship or financial aid from INSEAD? Why INSEAD should consider you for the Diversity scholarship? What amount do you consider appropriate?Please do not forget to submit a number of supporting documents as required.
2).The essays submitted for INSEAD Diversity Scholarships will be reviewed.
3).Only if you would like to be considered for the INSEAD Alumni Fund Robin Hood Scholarship: in approximately 350 words give the main reason for your application for the IAF Robin Hood Scholarship. Award recipients will be expected to lead the on-campus campaign. State how you will get involved and make peers participate. What are your ideas for the campaign?(If not applicable, please enter N/A)
4).In approximately 300 words for all the questions that follow: (a) introduce yourself and include an account of your early years i.e. where you grew up and the primary and secondary schools you attended. How did you finance your secondary education? (b) briefly describe how you envisage contributing to the future development of your country/region after graduation and (c) Give the main reason why an INSEAD MBA is relevant to your future career development.
5).In approximately 300 words provide a concise but accurate description of your financial circumstances as well as your budget for the year at INSEAD. How do you expect to finance your studies if you do not obtain a scholarship from INSEAD? Why INSEAD should consider you for a Diversity scholarship? What amount do you consider appropriate? Please do not forget to submit a number of supporting documents as required.
6).Only if you would like to be considered for the IAF Special Profile scholarships, please answer the following question in no more than 300 words: Briefly describe an instance or aspect in your life to date that has made you stand out amongst your peers or that you consider exceptional in one way or another.(If not applicable, please enter N/A)
7).Please outline how, if you are successful in your career, you might help others in theirs.
8).Complete Diversity Scholarship application and essay questions.

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