Apply! Innovative Education Initiatives Targeting Refugees
Higher and Further Education Opportunities and Perspectives for Syrians (HOPES) has launched a second Call for Proposals to support innovative education initiatives and short-term projects targeting refugees from Syria and vulnerable host communities across Egypt, Northern Iraq (KRI), Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey and/or Syria and implemented by local and regional institutions.
The main objective of the Call for Proposals is to increase the number of beneficiaries from the target group, refugees of post-secondary age from Syria as well as young people in host communities, that are enrolled and trained in higher education programmes and training courses including innovative further education options and language courses.
20 February 2018
Through this call an approximate €560,000 is available to fund approximately 14 projects with budgets ranging from €6,000 to €60,000 and a maximum duration of 12 months across Egypt, Northern Iraq (KRI), Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey and/or Syria.
The general criteria that proposals under the CfP have to comply with in order to be eligible:
-Proposals come from Egypt, Northern Iraq (KRI), Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey and/or Syria orgranisations involved in the higher education or post-school training of refugee from Syria.
-Applications from the above-mentioned organisations and further and higher education institutes in Europe: this type of institutional cooperation has to be demand-driven and should arise from the needs of local organisation.
Applicants must be:
-Local and/or regional education institutions registered in one of the target countries
-Local ministries (of Education and Higher Education, but also others e.g. Ministry of Labour)
-Youth or labour organisations who are working with refugees
-NGO’s (local, regional and/or global) working with refugees
-Local authorities working with refugees
-European education institutions – they can participate as a partner of a project, in which the local/regional organisation takes the lead.
-European education institutions cannot apply as an individual entity or a leading partner in a consortium with a local/regional organisation.
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