Apply! Global Infectious Disease Research Administration Development Award

The Department of Health and Human Services is seeking applications from research institutions in low- to middle-income countries (LMIC) for its Global Infectious Disease Research Administration Development Award. The department seeks to provide senior administrators from these institutions with advanced training in the management of NIH grants. The ultimate goal is to improve oversight of NIAID grant awards and compliance with NIH funding policies and Federal research funding requirements for NIAID-supported foreign institutions in low to middle-income countries.

The program will provide support for travel of senior administrator(s) from the LMIC institution to a partner US host institution where they will receive hands-on training in grants administration. These senior administrator(s) are expected to train others at their home institutions and, as needed, implement grants management changes, as well as serve as a resource for training other local or regional institutions receiving NIAID funds.

The program also aims to support “sustainability initiatives” for NIH research grants administration. Sustainability initiatives include activities that facilitate research grants administration activities that would be initiated during the grant funding period with the potential to continue after the funding has ended. Examples include, but are not limited to, development of standard operating procedures (SOPs) that include specific steps for effectively managing sponsored research funds within the local institution and the development of a new in-house grants management career track for business management trainees or college students.

31 July 2020

Application budgets are limited to $100,000 per 18 months in direct costs.
Indirect costs for foreign grantees are limited to 8%.

-Non-domestic (non-U.S.) Entities (Foreign Institutions)
-Eligible organizations must be in a LMIC, as defined by The World Bank, and include research institutions in LMICs.
-Eligible applicant foreign institutions in LMICs are limited to those receiving NIAID grant and/or cooperative agreement funding at the time of application submission.
-Eligible organizations must have received less than $2.2 million in total NIH grant and/or cooperative agreement support (direct awards) in the last 5 years at the time of application submission.
-In order to assure that the US host institutions have appropriate expertise in the management and administration of NIH grants, the applicants’ US host institutions are limited to US institutions that, at the time of submission, have received at least $5 million per year in total NIH research grant and/or cooperative agreement support over the last 10 years.

Applications must be submitted online via given website.
For more information, please visit

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