Apply! German and International Students LIFE Doctoral Fellowships

Applications are been invited for the German and International Students LIFE Doctoral Fellowships in Germany, 2018, applicants are to ensure that they have complied with the eligibility criteria to avid disqualification.
November 30, 2017
Doctoral Fellowship
Fellowships are available in one of the relevant disciplines: biology, computer science, economics, educational science, neuroscience, psychology, sociology.
Students admitted to LIFE will receive a monthly scholarship of 1,365.00 EUR to cover their living expenses. The stipend is tax-free. Students with dependent children accompanying them will receive 400 EUR for the first dependent child per month, and 100 EUR for each additional child.
Scholarship Application Method
‣ Applications are submitted till via online.
The application procedure for admission to LIFE is online. Please read this entire section carefully so that you do things in the proper order. Note that you will not be able to change your data after you have submitted them.
The deadline for applications is November 30, 2017. Note that delayed applications will not be considered
The application form is the form with which you register to participate in the entire online application procedure. It includes your contact information, educational background, the names of two referees, and your desired mentor(s) from the Berlin faculty group. You must submit the form before you send us the supplementary application materials, and before your referees can submit their recommendation letters.
Click here to access the application form.
You need to send us the other documents required for your application by e-mail:
-A covering letter explaining why you wish to join LIFE,
-Your curriculum vitae, including your academic training and professional experience,
-Scans of official certificates of degrees of all colleges/universities you attended,
-A copy of your thesis or another publication or preprint.
Please put all documents in one file. The preferred document type is PDF. However, RTF/Word, JPEG, and ZIP documents are also accepted. Your files should not exceed 10 MB as a whole. When scanning your documents, choose a lower resolution to ensure a smaller file size. When you have everything in one file, send it to this e-mail address.
What Should I Include in My Application?
Your application should be in English. Please use the online application form (see Admission).
Your complete application for admission to LIFE contains:
The completed application form including your contact information, educational background, the names of two referees, and your desired advisor(s);
Cover letter including motivation for entry to the LIFE program;
Curriculum Vitae (including academic training and professional experience)
Scans of official certificates of degrees of all colleges/universities you attended
Copy of your thesis or another publication or preprint.
Two letters of recommendation rating your academic skills and abilities from mentors who know you well.
Your application must be submitted by the deadline. The application procedure is online.
If you have further questions, please contact Silke Schäfer, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Lentzeallee 94, 14195 Berlin/Germany, Ph: +49-(0)30-82406-373, imprs-life@mpib-berlin.mpg.de
‣ Application forms and guidelines can be download from the official website
‣ It is important to read the application procedure, and visit the official websites (link found below) for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.