Apply! Facebook AI Research Residency Program

The Facebook AI Research (FAIR) Residency Program is a one-year research training program with Facebook’s AI Research group, designed to give you hands-on experience of machine learning research. The program will pair you with a senior researcher or engineer in FAIR, who will act as your mentor. Together, you will pick a research problem of mutual interest and then devise new deep learning techniques to solve it. FB also encourage collaborations beyond the assigned mentor. The research will be communicated to the academic community by submitting papers to top academic venues (NIPS, ICML, ICLR, CVPR, ICCV, ACL, EMNLP etc.), as well as open-source code releases.

January 26, 2018



Residents will be paid a competitive salary.

Learn how to perform research in deep learning and AI.
Understand prior work and existing literature.
Work with research mentor(s) to identify problem(s) of interest and develop novel AI techniques.
Translate ideas into practical code (in frameworks such as PyTorch, Caffe 2).
Write up research results in the form of an academic paper and submit to a top conference in the relevant area.

-Bachelors degree in a STEM field such as Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, or equivalent practical experience.
-Completed coursework in: Linear Algebra, Probability, Calculus, or equivalent.
-Coding experience in a general-purpose programming language, such as Python or C/C++.
-Familiarity with a deep learning platform such as PyTorch, Caffe, Theano, or TensorFlow.
-Ability to communicate complex research in a clear, precise, and actionable manner.
-Research experience in machine learning or AI (as established for instance via publications and/or code releases).
-Significant contributions to open-source projects, demonstrating strong math, engineering, statistics, or machine learning skills.
-A strong track record of scholastic excellence.

Apply here

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