Apply: Executive Board for Kabul Model United Nations 2017

Kabul Model United Nations (Kabul MUN) was established in 2014 by intellectual Afghan young leaders. Kabul MUN is the largest world-class Model United Nations conference organizer in Afghanistan which, hosts Model UN conferences by bringing together young leaders from all over the world. The conference gives an opportunity for young leaders and diplomats to practice diplomacy and exchange views on current global issues. Each Delegate will be assigned to represent a member-state of the United Nations. This conference will be a great opportunity for the participants to not only experience diplomacy by engaging in debates and negotiations, but also to learn about the United Nations’ works.The whole session will be conducted according to the Rules of Procedure of the United Nations General Assembly. A Dias including Chair with the help of Co-chair will conduct the sessions. We want the Kabul MUN to be a platform where, the delegates can use the best of their time; exchanging their ideas and perspectives with each other. Hence, Kabul MUN highly encourages participants to take part in this conference and use from the great opportunities that the conference provides to them.
The first edition of Kabul Model United Nations was held on 3rd and 4th November, 2016 at the Kabul Serena Hotel. We welcomed over 200 participants, including delegates, Executive Board members, International Press, DSRSG Mrs. Kardel from UN, Deputy Head of EU Mr. Cunningham and Deputy Minister Mrs. Spoghmai from Ministry of Women Affaires, as our guests. Kabul MUN 2016 was held with the slogan “A chance for Change” in 4 committees; UN General Assembly, UN Security Council, UN Human Rights Council and UN Women.
– Accommodation & Transportation: Will be provided for International Applicants.
– Travel Cost: Available for a limited number of International Applicants.
– An Award for the Best Chair
– A Certificate of Appreciation for other members of Executive Board
- Eligibility:
- Age: 18-35 years old
- Nationality: All nationalities are eligible
- Language: English (UNSC, UNDP, UNCSW, UNHCR, G-20, Crisis Committee, International Press) – Dari/Pashto (Crisis Committee and National Assembly)
- Experience:
- Chair: At least 3 MUN conferences as Executive Board member
- Co-Chair: At least 2 MUN conferences as Executive Board member
Eligible Regions: All Regions are Eligible.
Application Process
The Applicants can apply through Kabul Model United Nations website
Application Deadline: October 2, 2017 (3 Days Remaining)