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APPLY: European & Developing Countries Clinical Trial Partnership Prizes 2018



The EDCTP prizes recognise outstanding individuals and research teams from Africa and Europe who have made significant achievements in research field. In addition to their scientific excellence, the awardees will have made major contributions to the EDCTP objectives of strengthening clinical research capacity in Africa and supporting South-South and North-South networking.

The EDCTP programme is supported under Horizon 2020, the European Union’s Framework Programme for Research & Innovation.


  • Scientific Leadership Prize: This consists of a recognition trophy and a cash prize of €10,000.
  • Outstanding Female Scientist Prize: This consists of a recognition trophy and a cash prize of €20,000.
  • Outstanding Research Team Prize: This consists of a recognition trophy and a cash prize of €50,000.
  • Dr Pascoal Mocumbi Prize: This consists of a recognition trophy and a cash prize of €50,000.


  • The contestants for the first three prizes (Scientific Leadership Prize, Outstanding Female Scientist Prize, and Outstanding Research Team Prize) must be residents of a sub-Saharan African country, or an EU Member State, or a country associated with the Horizon 2020 programme.
  • The contest for the Dr Pascoal Mocumbi Prize is open to contestants from all parts of the world. However, special rules apply for Israeli entities*, Crimean legal persons, and entities from non-EU Member States that are covered by Council sanctions that make them not eligible to participate**.
  • The nomination of contestants who are currently employees of EDCTP, or serving on its EDCTP advisory body (Scientific Advisory Committee) or on its governing bodies (General Assembly and the Association Board) will not be permitted for any of the prizes.
  • Moreover, applicants that have already received an EDCTP prize before, cannot receive a second prize for the same activities.

DEADLINE: April 6 2018

To apply and for more information visit here

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