Apply! Ambassador’s Special Self-Help Program In Togo

Apply! Ambassador’s Special Self-Help Program In Togo



Applicants are invited to apply for the Ambassador’s Special Self-Help Program which is a grass-roots assistance program that allows the U.S. Embassy of Togo to provide financial assistance to small, community-based development projects.

Special consideration is given to projects that have the potential to generate income.

30 June 2018

Project funding is limited to US$5,000.

-Every project submitted for Self-Help funding is expected to:
-Improve basic economic or social conditions at the local community or village level;
-Support high-impact, quick-implementation activities that benefit a large number of people within one year without requiring further SSH assistance;
-Involve a significant local contribution in cash, labor, or material, and be within the ability of the local community to operate and maintain;
-Be in direct response to the initiative and aspirations of the local community (the local sponsors of the project, who will also be its prime beneficiaries);
-Not initiate, continue, or supplement technical assistance programs;
-Whenever possible, contribute to income-generating or self sustaining activities.

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