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Airplane seat now determines your flying experience — see how to choose



You don’t have to fly first class to have a great experience when travelling on an aeroplane.

The seat you pick on the airplane determines, to a large extent, how enjoyable your trip will be.

Here are some tips to guide your seat selection on your next trip.

Please note – It all depends on booking early.

Front of the wing

The engines of most planes are located under the wings, so pick a seat in front of the wing. This is because the sounds of the engine are far away from you.

This seating position will help reduce noise and disturbances.

The rear

You can pick a seat in the rear, behind the trailing edge of the wing.

This is for safety purposes.

If there is a need to do any evacuation in the case of an emergency, people at the rear get to disembark from the plane first.

Also, studies show that people who sit at the rear are 40 percent more likely to survive a crash than those at the front.

Over the wing

To avoid a bumpy ride, you are advised to pick a seat on the wing.

When travelling at the highest altitude, the plane could bounce from time to time and this could cause some discomfort.

Window seat: close to the middle of the aircraft

If you want to sleep on the plane, your target seat should be close to the middle of the aircraft and the window, so you don’t bother about noise from the galley (kitchen) or restroom.

You can also rest your head and nod off.


If you want to travel with kids, go for the bulkhead as there are no seats in front of you.

The seating position gives kids room to play as most bulkheads have more space than other seating positions. Restrooms are also nearby so you don’t find it hard taking them to ease themselves.

Safe travels.

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