ACEONDO New Students Registration Procedure 2017/2018

This is to inform all fresh students of Adeyemi College of Education (ACEONDO) Screening exercise is has commenced on Monday, 22nd January, 2018.
All Fresh Students are therefore requested to follow the procedure as stated below:
(i) Payment of a non-refundable Acceptance fee of Twenty-Six Thousand Naira (#26,000.00) for Degree and Twenty-One Thousand Naira (#21,000.00) only for NCE Candidates.
(ii) After payment, proceed to upload your Bio-Data
(iii) Upload your Results or Certificate and Birth Certificate, passport photograph and Jamb admission letter.
(iv) Proceed to your various Schools with the Hard Copies of the following:
(a) Jamb admission Letter
(b) O’Level Result(s) or Certificates and NCE Result where applicable.
(v) The Screening Exercise is expected to take between 9.00am and 2.00pm each day.