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Abductors of Ekiti Commissioner demand N30m ransom



Abductors of Ekiti Commissioner demand N30m ransom

Abductors of the Commissioner for Agriculture in Ekiti State, Mr Folorunso Olabode, who kidnapped the commissioner on Sunday have demanded a ransom of N30m.

Olabode’s car was attacked by gunmen on Sunday evening along Isan-Iludun Road in Ekiti State. While the commissioner and the third occupant of the car were abducted, a councillor in the Ilejemeje Local Government Legislative Council, who drove the car, was shot dead by the gunmen.

A source in Olabode’s family, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told journalists in Ado Ekiti on Monday the kidnappers called the family and made a demand of N30m ransom.

The source, who said the entire Iye community, the hometown of the commissioner in the Ilejemeje council area was worried over the development, said, “We are begging the state Governor, Dr Kayode Fayemi, and all the security apparatuses of government to do all within their powers to rescue him alive.”      The Police Public Relations Officer for Ekiti Command, Sunday Abutu, who assured the people that police would not leave any stone unturned to secure Olabode’s release, said, “We are not aware that the bandits are requesting for any ransom, we have not been told.”

Meanwhile, the Ekiti State House of Assembly member representing Ilejemeje Constituency, Tope Ogunleye, on Monday lamented the attack, describing it as one of the fallouts of COVID-19, which delayed the take-off of Amotekun Corps.

The lawmaker said, “I am not happy about the whole development, the bandits have been striking on that spot. I know the state is on top of it, the Governor, Dr Kayode Fayemi, is on top of the situation.

“The security agencies should do their job very well. The governor is really trying organising Amotekun and other things. If not because of COVID-19 now, the launch of Amotekun would have taken place in Ekiti State and all these things would have been a thing of the past.

“By the time this COVID-19 is gone, the governor will be able to recruit into Amotekun Corps. The personnel and operatives of Amotekun will be our people and they will be on the ground. They know the bush and they will be able to chase the criminals out of Ekiti State. They will be complementing the existing security network.”

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