Apply! Bestvela Digital Marketing Scholarship

Bestvela knows the power of the written words online and want to help the imaginative minds show their abilities in this area. We have created the Bestvela Digital Marketing Scholarship Program. This is an opportunity for Undergraduate and Postgraduate students with the hunger of “Digital Marketing” to receive $800 as Scholarship. This scholarship can be consumed either in course materials or other resources.
The Bestvela Digital Marketing Scholarship is now open. Entries will be accepted through Nov 1st 2017. They must have a passion in digital marketing.

31th May 2018

Successful candidate will receive $800.

Field of Studies
Marketing Field.

-This scholarship is only for students that are currently enrolled in colleges, universities.
-The piece of content you are going to create must be creative and unique. The words of your content must be able to influence anyone that you know what you’re doing and you are correct.
-While reading the articles that are submitted, we will take note of several factors including criticality, imagination and few others.

The application process is simple and easy: You have to write a brief introduction; -Why you want this scholarship
-Letter from Institution (Evidence)
-Scanned copy of front & back Government/Institution ID Card
-The Essay Compile these thing and make .zip file and send it through the email address you will find in the link below.
Website and Application Link

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