Apply! University of Canterbury Scholarships

The University of Canterbury offers the UC Undergraduate Entrance Scholarship to high-achieving undergraduate international students.
These scholarships were established in 2011 by the University of Canterbury to recognise and support top achieving students commencing an undergraduate degree programme at the University of Canterbury.
The UC Entrance Scholarship shall be awarded to students who intend to begin their first year of an undergraduate degree programme at the University of Canterbury and who have completed or are completing a university entrance qualification.
10 Dec 2017
Fields of study
All available undergraduate courses at the University of Canterbury
To be eligible, the following must be met:
-The scholarships will be awarded to students who are beginning their first year of an undergraduate degree programme at the University of Canterbury and who have completed university entrance qualification at a New Zealand school.
-International students are also eligible, but must have sat for an entrance qualification (e.g. NCEA) in NZ or sat for CIE or IB either in NZ or overseas.
-The scholarships are available only to students whose first year of study in an undergraduate degree programme is no more than one calendar year after they have completed their study for a university entrance qualification.
-Recipients may commence study in either Semester 1 or Semester 2, and must be enrolled full time in their first year of study in an undergraduate degree programme.
(“Full time” is here defined as 0.8 EFTS or more for whole-year study, and the equivalent if enrolling for the first time for study commencing in Semester 2.)
-Each scholarship will be tenable for one year.
-The scholarships will be awarded to students who have gained the academic qualifications listed in the appendix, and who have gained university entrance.
-Students completing university entrance requirements in New Zealand via other pathways will also be eligible for consideration, and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Amount is up to $6,000 (between $2000 and $6000 for your first year at UC). It is a cash scholarship, so you can choose to use the money as you wish.
You do not need to apply for this scholarship. An approved Application to Enrol is considered your application for the UC Undergraduate Entrance scholarship. To apply to enroll, visit this page.
It is important to visit the official website (via link below) to read through the UC Undergraduate Frequently Asked Questions and also for complete details on how to apply.
More Scholarship Information and Application