8 tips on How To Connect With Anyone on your first meeting

Given the fact that social connection is such a fundamental human need, you would think that it would be easy to connect with everyone we meet. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Against our own self-interest, we get bogged down by shyness, self-consciousness, pride, competitiveness and the likes. If you can get that baggage out of the way, you can connect with anyone, even those who are still holding on to their own. Here are some tips that will help you to connect instantly with everyone you meet.


  1. Leave a strong first impression. Research shows that most people decide whether or not they like you within the first seven seconds of meeting you. They then spend the rest of the conversation internally justifying their initial reaction. By knowing this, you can take advantage of it to connect with anyone. First impressions are tied intimately to positive body language. Becoming cognizant of your gestures, expressions, and tone of will draw people to you. Positive body language can make all the difference in a conversation. It’s true that how you say something can be more important than what you say.


  1. Be the first to venture beyond the superficial. Our first conversation or two with a new acquaintance tends to be pretty superficial. We portray a careful picture of ourselves, and we stick to nice, safe topics. But if you really want to connect with somebody, try revealing the real you. You do not need to get too personal, but it’s important to let the other person know what you are passionate about. Most of the time, if you open up, the other person will follow your lead and do the same.


  1. Ask good questions. If the other person seems hesitant to open up, encourage them to do so by asking substantial questions. Search for questions that will help you to understand what makes the other person tick, without getting too personal.


  1. Learn from them. Not only does that make them feel more bonded to you, it makes them feel important. It also shows that you are willing to be vulnerable and are not too proud to admit that you have much to learn.


  1. Don’t make them regret removing the mask. If your new acquaintance does you the honor of opening up, don’t make them regret it. Sarcasm, criticism, or jokes that might make the other person feel judged for what they have shared is totally unacceptable. Instead, empathize with their approach to life, which you can do even if you don’t agree with their beliefs, and then reciprocate by revealing more about yourself.


  1. Look for the good in them. We seem to focus on finding reasons not to like people instead of reasons to like them. Concentrate on looking for the good in a new acquaintance. For one thing, that keeps you from writing someone off too soon, but more importantly, when you expect the best from people, they are likely to deliver it.


  1. Use their name. Your name is an essential part of your identity, and it feels terrific when people use it. You shouldn’t use someone’s name only when you greet them. Studies prove that people feel validated when the person they are speaking with refers to them by name during a conversation. When you meet someone, don’t be afraid to ask their name a second time if you forget it right after you hear it.


  1. Turn off your inner voice. One giant thing that keeps us from connecting with other people is that we don’t really listen. Instead, we are thinking while the other person is talking. You must turn off this inner voice if you want to connect deeply with people. So what if you forget what you were going to say or if the conversation moves in a different direction before you have a chance to make your point. If your real goal is to connect with a person, you have to shut off your own soundtrack long enough to focus on what they are telling you.
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