8 tips to balancing the demands of your work and your home

We live in a day and time when you no longer have to choose between being a successful career person or having a great home life, now you can choose both if that is what your heart desires. Successful work-life balance is actually one of the keys to success. Balance is simply the key. Here are some tips to help you succeed at work and at home without losing your mind;

  1. Get organized at work and home

How much of your day is spent looking for something that you can’t find but really need? This is a time-waster that can easily be eliminated if you take the time to get organized. Go through every drawer and closet in your spaces and start by eliminating excesses. After you are down to items that you actually want or need, arrange them so that everything has a place. You may also use labels to help persons return things to where they should be kept.


  1. Simplify your wardrobe

Do you start your day by staring blankly at all of your clothes and wondering what you are going to wear to work? That takes up so much energy and causes so much stress. How many outfits do you go through and throw on the bed before you find something that works for you?

Try putting together a wardrobe consisting of high quality pieces that you can mix and match. Basically, you are giving yourself a flexible work uniform so you do not have to waste time finding something to wear.


  1. Set a schedule every week

Every week, write out the activities and appointments for the week first, the things that can’t be readjusted. Then, fill in the things that you want to do as a family. If it is not written down, there is a good chance that it will not happen. Don’t forget to schedule in time for relaxation too.


  1. Set boundaries

One of our biggest pitfalls is that we can tend to be people-pleasers and so we can have a hard time setting boundaries. This can lead to serious stress in our lives both at work and at home. Give yourself hours and days of the week that are off-limits to anyone or anything that is not family. Before you commit to something, ask yourself if you really have the time and energy that the task will demand of you. If the answer is yes, then ask yourself if it is something you actually want to do. Set boundaries in your life and stick to them.


  1. Hire help and learn to outsource

If you are working a full-time job and if your budget allows it, outsource it someone who would come clean your house at least once a month. Let them do the deep cleaning so you do not have to find time to do it between work and family time. Is there a work task that you could outsource and save yourself time and energy? Then, do it. Time is precious and it is often more valuable than the money it would cost to hire someone to help you.


  1. Take a break

Even if you are Super Man or Wonder Woman, you cannot do it all, take a break. Put down the devices and just focus on your family and trust that everything else truly will keep until you get back to it. Those emails will still be there, your dirty laundry will still be there, but you can always extract time to go back to those. Enjoy your break and be present in the moment.


  1. Be flexible

You have to be flexible if you are going to be balanced. Things will come up or appointments will get canceled and priorities will shift. You have got to learn to roll with the changes and take it all in stride. If you are too rigid, you will be setting yourself up for a mental breakdown when things do not go as planned.


  1. Stay on top of chores

Don’t let your household chores pile up too high, it can be super overwhelming when you finally try to tackle them. Instead, have a routine that you try to stick to.

Balance is a goal that we should always be striving for in both our work and home life.

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