8 personality traits that makes you more attractive

Looks are not everything, moreover, they cannot really be changed. The most attractive people are the ones who know that their physical appearance is not the most attractive thing about them. They have a certain kind of confidence, they are usually more fun to hang out with, and they are the kind of people who are ready to love you for who you are. Indeed, anyone would definitely tell you that a good, attractive personality can instantly make a person appear more beautiful. If what’s on the inside is gorgeous, its light soon begins to radiate on the outside. People want to be around soulful, smart, caring, funny people. Read through and see if you think that perhaps your personality needs a bit of work.


  1. Ambition

People without goals tend to lack enthusiasm. Maybe they are bored, directionless and live for the weekend. They don’t know where they want to be in five years’ time because they have not really thought about it. When you have goals, you have drive and ambition, you want more out of life and you are determined to get it.


  1. Curiosity

Another personality trait that can make you appear attractive is your curiosity for the world around you. People who live with a sense of wonder and appreciation for how things are and what they mean are incredibly attractive. It shows that you are passionate creatures who want to learn and improve.


  1. Sense Of Humour

Being too serious all the time is a major turn-off. People who can laugh at themselves and each other, and who can moreover make others laugh, are generally relaxed, friendly, sociable people. And this is an attractive quality to have.


  1. Vulnerability

Some people assume that others see vulnerability as a major turn-off because it makes us look weak. It exposes our deficiencies and shows that we’re not as strong as we though we were. On the contrary, vulnerability makes you more attractive because it shows that you are real, and someone who has fears and anxieties just like the rest of us.


  1. Positivity

Negativity is a killer and it instantly makes you appear much more attractive than you really are. People warm towards positive people, they love to be around them. Positive people make us smile, make us laugh, and inspire us to be the best version of ourselves.


  1. Remembers Details

How annoying is it when someone literally can’t remember anything about you, not even your name?  A good memory shows that a person respects and cares for you enough to take note of your name and a few things that you like. And that’s just oh-so-sweet..


  1. Organised

We are not all organised people but being organised is a personality trait that people find attractive. A clean desk suggests a clean mind. It also suggests that here is a successful, driven person who is going places in life and that is really attractive.


  1. Confidence

Confidence is either something you have or you don’t. Confidence is an asset that shines through personal relationships, your own relationship with yourself and relations in the workplace. Everyone respects a person with confidence because with it, you are basically investing your heart and soul into something you feel passionately about.

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