8 habits that can make you happier
- Wake up early.
Early birds do not need to get the worm; they get to work early, feel energized and complete the difficult tasks before noon. Get in bed at a reasonable hour so as to wake up early. At the end of the day, you’ll feel like you really accomplished something.
- Be Serious
What actually kills is a lack of curiosity. If you are not interested in what’s going on around you then it is going to be hard to find motivation to meet your goals at work or home. Ask questions. Pay attention. Drop the slacker attitude and you will find that a true sense of wonder will appear in its place.
- Show Respect
Respect is reciprocal. You give it and then you get it. Not only should you show others respect through common courtesy, but you should show respect to yourself by dressing modestly and neatly, paying attention to personal hygiene.
- Forgive
Stop carrying grudges. They weigh you down and take up too much mental space. Instead of daydreaming about positive things, you burden yourself with thoughts of revenge against someone who probably does not even remember what caused the grudge in the first place. Learn to forgive and you would sleep better.
- Be good to others
People who cannot make up their minds about the right and wrong of a situation wind up doing nothing. So, make up your mind, take a stand and stick to your guns. Happiness is not all about being loved by everyone all the time. It is about being loved by a choice few because of your integrity.
- Take charge of your health.
Health is wealth. If your body is not happy, then it will be much more difficult for your mind to stay happy, too.
- Be confident
Self confidence is not the same as arrogance. Someone with self-confidence knows they are not perfect, but they also know they have at least the common sense to work out most everyday problems and challenges in a perfectly acceptable way. They accept the fact that sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, and go on with their lives. Arrogant people try to be perfect, and when they fail, their unhappiness can be epic.
- Smile
Spread a little kindness to get a little happiness back.