7 Skills for Making Steady Progress in life
Slowly but surely!
From cruising to crawling to standing, one thing is for sure; a toddler will eventually learn to walk. When it comes to change and growth, with the right life skills you can expect to make slow but steady progress. Rather than focusing on the finish line, just embrace all the baby steps along the way.The idea of an overnight success can be very appealing, but one reason so many people never achieve much is that big things take time. We may not want to hear it, but in reality, whether you are trying to lose some fats or grow abs, significant achievements are going to come slowly. It’s called growth. Even though you love to make rapid progress as often as possible, you have to also recognize the excelling value of slow, steady, consistent growth.
See a few life skills can be applied to almost any pursuit and will result in significant cumulative progress on a continual basis.
- Commit to the long haul. Expect to pay your dues. Chances are, you are not going to succeed immediately because every success comes with a learning curve. Instead of resisting that idea, learn to enjoy the growth process. Most progress in life is cumulative. You lay a foundation and the build on it over time. The important thing is make steady progress and to keep moving forward.
- Make working on your goal part of your routine. Without the right life skills, long-term goals are very easy to lose sight of. Our daily routine can cover them up and push them to the side if we don’t have feasible plan in place. Each day, try to do at least one thing every day that moves you closer to you desired outcome. If you make a plan and stick to it, progress will follow.
- See the big picture. When change is slow, we can get discouraged and start to wonder if it’s worth the effort. Gauge your progress from where you started. This is the only legitimate way to see how far you have come. If you keep comparing where you are with where you want to be, you won’t give yourself the approval you deserve for the steps you have already accomplished.
- Appreciate every inch of progress. When we hear people talk about their success, they often talk about the big moments, the ones where everything changed. We hear about those moments because they are the ones that make good stories. But behind each of those moments are thousands of small, regular actions that add up to something big. Take those baby steps and it will add up to something big.
- Evaluate your progress to stay on course. Progress is never a straight line, adjustments are always required. Learning to make small, calculate adjustments is one of those life skills that comes from experience. Learning not to over react is an important part of that skill. Once you get headed in the right direction, do not over correct. Make tiny corrections and then evaluate.
- See obstacles as welcome challenges. There will always be obstacles to get past, that’s the nature of progress. The thing is, those obstacles are part of the learning curve and overcoming them is what prepares you for the next step. So, rather than seeing them as barriers, see them as challenges, take them on and rise to meet them. Meeting challenges successfully is how we succeed. It is a vital part of the process and it helps you build the life skills needed for success. It is an opportunity for growth.
- Celebrate your progress. Progress is a reason to celebrate, any progress. You don’t have to reach your goal before you can be happy about how well you are doing. Celebrate progress instead. In life you are either moving forward, standing still, or losing ground. If you are moving forward, even slowly, then give yourself some credit. The journey is where you spend most of your life. Destinations are great, but they are usually just a rest stop on the way to another goal of some kind.
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