7 Simple tips to boost your confidence today
Confidence and high self-esteem are essential for living a happy and successful life. The most successful people in life are those who truly understand that although there are always situations beyond our control, it is not the situations that matter but the way we choose to deal with them. They go out there and get the life they want. They create it themselves and they choose not to be affected by frustrating situations in their lives.
- Get to know what is great about you. Start by making a list of your strengths. We are all good at something, so make sure you know what you are good at.
- Accept compliments. Start to accept compliments from others with grace and it is okay to respond with a ‘thank you’ and a smile.
- Exercise. Exercise gives you so much more energy and enthusiasm, which relates to feelings of confidence. When we feel fit and healthy, we feel more in control of our lives and this builds confidence.
- Speak with confidence. Nobody can see what is going on inside of you, so go ahead and speak confidently even if nerves are almost taking over. See how leaders always speak slowly and are not afraid to pause in between sentences. This is the key to confident speaking. Make an effort to slow down when you next speak to someone.
- Do not brag. If we have to tell people how great we are, then the chances are we do not really believe it ourselves. Quiet confidence will beat overbearing arrogance any day of the week. Let your actions speak for themselves.
- Kill negativity. When we spend too much time judging others, it is a reflection of how we feel about ourselves. It is a way to strengthen the ego and by judging others we make ourselves feel better. Instead of wasting time picking faults in other people, its much more beneficial to work on your own strengths.
- Take control. We only get one life and this is it. So live yours knowing that only you has the control and no one else.