7 simple habits on how to Stop Being So Lazy

Overcoming laziness or the ability to do things that we do not want to do, is a crucial part of gaining success. Things simply have to get done and we have to do them or make sure they are done. Success is the result of a few big tasks as well as the bunch of small tasks, done and accomplished.

Lazy people let the small tasks go unfinished for far too long. Successful people make sure those small tasks get done as quick, painless and efficiently as possible. Here are 7 ways to stop being lazy;

  1. Find out the root cause.

Are you burned out from working 27 hours a day, 9 days a week since before you can remember? This is a signal that you need a rest or a change. Human beings are not meant to work all the time. Maybe you feel overwhelmed or you just don’t want to do the task; these are discrete problems with separate solutions. Finding out the root cause of your laziness can help you make the changes you need to make to be a more effective and energetic person.

  1. Break up your time.

People work more efficiently when they have ample rest time. Working in short, focused bursts is far more effective than trying to slog through the task all at once. Not only will you be happier with the end product, but you will feel better and more energized after completing it.

  1. Look at ways you can do a task more efficiently.

When possible, work smarter instead of harder. If you can find a better way to do the task, you are more likely to enjoy it because you are not simply performing the task by routine, but rather, using your creativity and imagination to their best effect. This will make you feel better about the job and probably enjoy it more, too.

  1. Be kind to yourself.

When you feel that you have perhaps been too lazy lately it’s common and tempting to beat yourself up about it and to hope that will lead you to start taking action. The truth is that beating yourself up most often just leads to feeling very guilty and like a failure. You feel less motivated to get going and you procrastinate because there seems to be little point in even trying.

  1. Start with just a small step forward.

The hardest thing is often to simply get started. Make that as easy as you can to reduce the inner resistance and to actually take action. Start with just taking a small step forward.

  1. Do a small part of what matters most first thing in your day.

To feel like you can enjoy your rest time fully and without guilt, it is important to actually get what truly matters in the long run done each week. Do all tasks in the morning, starting with the hardest task and ending with the easiest task. After you have completed all your tasks for the day first thing in the morning you have your whole day free knowing you have taken care of business already. Make it easy on yourself by breaking down that task into smaller steps and then focus on just the first one and get to it with an effective and focused mindset.

  1. Let the enthusiasm, energy and motivation of others in.

Whatever you let into your mind and life will influence you. If the people you hang out the most with are generally a bit lazy about work or school then it’s easy to just adapt to that mood and way of thinking and go with it. But if you spend more time with motivated people in real life and via books, the internet, podcasts and audio books then that will start to influence your thinking and mood too.



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