7 quick tips on how to be the Charismatic one in a group

Most people wish to look charismatic and become popular. It does not always work out, due to low self-esteem and lack of confidence, or being too aggressive and lacking tact.

See a few tips on how to become charismatic;

  1. Posture

Pay attention to the way you carry your body. Don’t stoop, shuffle or look listless. Keep your back straight when you walk and when you sit, but don’t overdo it, otherwise it will look artificial.


  1. Eye contact

Do not be afraid of eye contact when talking, but don’t overdo it, as this might be interrupted as rudeness.


  1. Talking

Don’t talk too fast or too slow. Speak to the point. Keep your voice quiet, but clear. Apart from having a relaxing influence on the people you are talking with, they will have to pay more attention to what you are saying.


  1. Appearance

Being well dressed gives you more points in your favor in meetings and interviews. Your clothes do not have to be expensive. They should well fit your physique, and look nice on you.


  1. Be a good listener

Being a good listener makes you more popular, and encourages people to talk about topics they would not usually share with others.


  1. Open body language

Crossing your hands or legs are signs that you are closing yourself, which tends to alienate people from you. Keeping an open body language, without crossing hands or feet, encourages people to open to you.


  1. Showing interest

If you show interest in people they will like you more. It is like pampering their ego. Ask questions, show real interest, and listen to what people say. Show your interest by nodding your head, looking at the people you are talking with, and smiling when appropriate.



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