7 actions that prove you are intelligent without saying it

Here are 7 indicators that tell people you are intelligent without you having to say it.
- Showing up on time.
The most simple indicator of all. If you are late, it simply shows disrespect and indiscipline. It does not matter the circumstance unless the other party is luckily in the same situation as you. It is also polite to always call the party when you know you would be running late but still, it is always best to be the one on time. Let people know you as the person who is always on time and they will no doubt take you as smart.
- Remembering the little things.
“The true secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life.” – William Morris. If you can recall the small stuff, people will think fondly of you forever. Listening attentively and actively to others so you can always remember shows that you care.
- A Neat Space
How you keep your space shows others what speaks to you, motivates you, interests you, and what you believe is worth looking at on a daily basis. A neatly arranged space also shows organization and thoughtfulness which is an image you want to project. Choose things that give depth to your character.
- When you take notes.
When talking with people or in a meeting, take notes of what is being said. This can even help you with remembering the little things about people. Take note of anything that strikes to that you can have access to them later. Taking notes shows you would rather things get done, and done right.
- Spending money wisely.
How you spend your money is a very clear reflection of your values as a person. Who you spend it on, what, where and when can say a lot about you, whether you always realize it or not. Are you always borrowing money or constantly broke? Money is also a reflection of your values as a person and people make their judgements considering how you spend it.
- How you invest your time.
The activities you call your own are arguably the most powerful indicator to your priorities as a person. We are all a reflection of how we invest our time.
- Your circle of friends.
You are the reflection of the five people you spend the most time with. Who we associate with speaks volumes about our outlook on life, our beliefs, our goals, and what we find most important in life. If you want to meet the right people, hang around the right people and if you want to improve yourself, spend time with people who value self-improvement.