60 common Personal Growth and development Pitfalls to avoid

Regarding our personal growth, we may be focused on gratitude, visualizing our desired outcomes, and taking consistent action in the direction of our goals, but are we doing things that could unknowingly sabotage our efforts? There is nothing wrong with personal development. We all should strive to grow as people, to overcome our flaws and accentuate our virtues. It’s good to want to evolve. The problem is that most people keep falling into the same traps over and over again. It all really boils down to talking about personal development all the time without actually getting any done.

Here is a list of some common, hidden personal growth pitfalls that you should avoid;


  1. Jump to conclusions about other people’s motives.
  2. Get caught up in competition. Strive for cooperation.
  3. Describe yourself in negative terms.
  4. Compare yourself to others to try and validate your results.
  5. Violate your personal values or ethics for any reason.
  6. Make excuses for telling lies. Just be honest and tactful.
  7. Be rude to others regardless of how you feel about them.
  8. Invalidate other people’s feelings.
  9. Disrespect yourself or others.
  10. Forget to be grateful.
  11. Talk down to people.
  12. Expect the worst or project negative expectations.
  13. Dominate conversations.
  14. Try to assign blame. It doesn’t matter who’s at fault.
  15. Focus on lack.
  16. Put yourself or other people down.
  17. Indulge in “pity parties.”
  18. Think of yourself as smarter than, or better than everyone else.
  19. Keep eating just because it tastes good.
  20. Always insist on having the last word.
  21. Look for other peoples faults. You don’t want them looking for yours.
  22. Allow negative thoughts to dominate your outlook.
  23. Imagine yourself as sick, poor, unworthy, or worthless.
  24. Entertain or dwell on inappropriate thoughts or actions.
  25. Harbor grudges or think about getting even.
  26. Make lame excuses, just take responsibility.
  27. Waste time trying to win an argument.
  28. Say “I can’t” because you choose not to.
  29. Expect TV to make you smarter.
  30. Forget to take action every day.
  31. Ignore the needs of others.
  32. Say yes when you really mean no.
  33. Over commit your time, energy, or resources.
  34. Let the media or popular opinion make your decisions for you.
  35. Buy things you don’t need just because they’re cool.
  36. Forget to smile often and sincerely.
  37. Stress over things you can’t control or change.
  38. Let work dominate your days off.
  39. Imagine you will do it someday. Do it now.
  40. Expect others to make you feel happy, satisfied, or loved.
  41. Tell yourself there isn’t enough time for a healthy lifestyle.
  42. Get trapped spending your free time doing things you don’t like.
  43. Make decisions because you’re afraid you might miss out on something.
  44. Worry over the personal decisions of others.
  45. Focus on or talk about problems.
  46. Get involved in things that are none of your business.
  47. Avoid eye contact.
  48. Follow fads, trends, or allow others to dictate your identity.
  49. Pretend that your reality is someone else’s fault.
  50. Invent distractions to avoid responsibilities.
  51. Shy away from new experiences.
  52. Pretend you know something when you don’t.
  53. Be afraid or embarrassed to ask for help.
  54. Forget to show appreciation to others.
  55. Allow your analytical mind to invalidate your intuition.
  56. Ignore that little voice in your head.
  57. Worry about social standing, prestige, or popular opinion.
  58. Talk yourself out of pursuing your dreams.
  59. Think that ignoring a problem will make it go away.
  60. Try to convince yourself that the things on this list don’t matter.

Now that you know that they are there, don’t fall for them. Personal growth is not about being perfect. It’s about growing and developing as a person in a desirable direction. Growth is a process, not an overnight metamorphosis. It’s something that lasts a lifetime. Taking positive steps at self-improvement is a rewarding endeavor. Personal growth happens much easier and faster when we make an effort to avoid the pitfalls.

Do you know any other personal development pitfalls to watch out for? Share with us in the comments section.

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