6 simple cleaning tips for people on the go

Because your days are fully scheduled, having some sort of regular cleaning and straightening routine helps give a satisfying order to our lives. This ensures that things don’t get so far out of hand you must spend all day cleaning just to bring them back to normal.

Here are some simple ways to keep your home fresh and clean every day.

  1. Make the bed while you are in it

Before you get up, stretch out in bed, straighten out the sheets and blankets as you go. You have just done most of the work of creating a smooth bed with almost no effort.


  1. Do all of your dishes after breakfast (and every meal)

It’s so much easier to quickly rinse off a few plates and cups than deal with a full sink at the end of the day. This is a habit that may feel burdensome at first but quickly becomes second nature.


  1. Do some laundry first thing and leave it to dry before you go to work.

If you throw in a load of washing right away when you wake up, you should be able to at least hang it quickly before leaving for work. If you know you can’t stick around to fold and put away clothes, only remove hardy items, such as towels and T-shirts, from the washing line; you will still have less to do later.


  1. Tidy your entry

Instead of flinging your things down anywhere, take a moment to put everything in its proper place when you come into the house. Line up your shoes, hang up the coats, stuff all your accessories and things into a basket or tote, and sort the mail. Slowing down as you cross the threshold into your home is also a great way to shed the stress of the day.


  1. Do a quick post-dinner clean-up

Even if you are exhausted, be sure to give the kitchen floor a quick sweep. Take out the dirt or wastebin, or at least bundle it by the door, where you will remember to take it out in the morning.


  1. Clear clutter spots

Those places clutter just seems to appear through no fault of your own. So, before heading off to bed, take a few minutes to walk through the house, putting things back in their places, paying special attention to those clutter spots. Tidy the living room, clear the dining room table and hang up the clothes piled on the chair in your bedroom.



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