5 tips to help you stay disciplined
Create A Morning Routine
You have to start off right ant this helps you to get inspired randomly. A daily reset might be that one thing that gets you inspired, that gets you passionate and motivated. Whatever the thing is that gets you feeling inspired, do that every day. Start your day with it because if you start your day off on the wrong foot or you start your day off just falling into your schedule you may not be inspired the whole day. Find the thing that gets you motivated, that gets you energized and start your day with it every single day.
Track your Progress
There is a famous expression that what gets measured gets done or gets accomplished. When you are tracking what you are doing, you are more likely to pay attention to it and want to fix it. Just like when you are making goals, the more specific you are, the more likely you are going to hit it. It could be a piece of paper and a pen when you are checking something off and you know you have got it done, you are much more likely to follow through. What gets tracked gets done.
Commit to Somebody else
When you commit to somebody else you are much more likely to follow through. The reason is we will let other people down less than we will let ourselves down. It is so easy to let ourselves down. How many times do we say I’m going to do something but then you end up not doing it? You are letting yourself down right. So whatever goal you have, whatever you want to stay more disciplined with, try to line up somebody to be with, try to line up a schedule. Try to line up something with somebody else because if you commit to them you are more likely to follow through.
Have Big Whys and Little Whys
It is really important to have a big why to feel like what you are doing is inspiring and motivating. There’s a reason for you to get up and work. If you feel like the work you are doing is not important, you are not going to stay disciplined on it. If you feel your work is meaningless and you do not want to work hard on that, it will be really hard to say disciplined on it. Having a big why and know that the work that you are doing matters means you are working toward building a better life for yourself and helps you stay motivated. Think about what your big goal is, what your big vision is, the change you want to make and looking at that on a regular basis, keeping that in mind and seeing how your work ties into you accomplishing that big goal is really important. The little whys are the day-to-day little meanings that you have in your life or career. Those are the day to day interactions that inspire you and your team. So the big and little ‘whys’ implies that you are doing something important on a big scale and also knowing that the work you is touching one person’s life, that way, it is much easier to stay disciplined and on track.
Do Something You Love
If you are forcing yourself to do something that you do not love, you can only do it for so long before you are going to quit and want to give up and want to move on something else. If you don not actually enjoy the process of doing it, you are never going to actually go out and achieve those goals. There has to be something that you can get lost in and forget what time it is. And the more you are doing that kind of work the more you are going to be able to not just stay disciplined but achieve your big goals.