5 things to have apart from a plan

There are five things I can think of that are better than a plan, and here they are.

  1. A sense of purpose

Deciding what you want to achieve should come before any discussion on how to achieve it. All too often we start with what we can do or what we know how to do and then figure out what we want to do. The most successful people turn it the other way round. They find their purpose first, and after that figure out how to achieve it, even if nobody else believes it can be done.


  1. A direction

Once you have a goal, you automatically have a direction: Head towards the goal. Of course, you may not know exactly what direction the goal lies in. So head in the direction that looks like it will take you closer to the goal than where you are now, and closer to the goal than the other possible directions.


  1. A moral compass

Not every direction is one you will ultimately be glad you walked down. And many times, you can figure out which paths not to take in advance, based on your own sense of what’s right. It’s important to be clear on your moral and ethical standards, and to stick with them. Otherwise, reaching your goals will be a hollow, self-betraying and disappointing experience.


  1. Awareness of opportunities


If you have a plan that you are following rigidly, your risk is that you will overlook opportunities to head in a new direction. If you have a goal, though, and you are pursuing it flexibly, any path to that goal becomes available to you. You just need to keep an eye out, recognise opportunities when you see them, and be prepared to add them in to your short-term goals if they serve your long-term goals.


  1. A range of tools and techniques

When all you have is a hammer, even if not everything you encounter looks like a nail, you don’t have much option but to treat it as if it is. To take the opportunities that arise, and to deal with the challenges on the way, needs skillful resourcefulness.


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