5 reasons you should take some time off work

1. To Love and Value Your Family. A lot of people say they love and value their family. But do we really love them? Enough to take time off from other important things in order to be with them? Taking time off from business and work might be a challenge to so many persons. However, as the old saying goes, if I truly love and value my family, then I’ll “put my money where my mouth is” and back it up with actions.

2. To Give Your Brain A Vacation. Do some exercises such that you can let your mind wander while you do it. Your brain cannot function optimally on mini-vacations alone. You need extended vacations in order to reboot your brain. That’s why taking time off is so important; it gives our brains a much needed break from all the clutter and allows us to return to a state of optimal thinking.

3. To Gain New Inspiration, Energy, and Focus. It’s difficult to unplug from emails, blogging, creating, and all the details of running a business but disconnecting creates space for new inspiration, new energy, and new focus. And again, all three are critical in the formula for success.

4. To Appreciate Others More. When you unplug from reading blogs, tweeting, social media and all the other means of connecting with people, you come back afterwards with a new appreciation for them and their insights. Sometimes because you are refreshed or maybe you just miss them. Whatever the reason, “absences makes the heart grow fonder.” Really!

5. To Allow Others To Appreciate You More. When you step back and give others a break from you, your hope is that my contributions are missed. But even more, when you come back from your break, you come back with better ideas and insights to share.

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