The 5 Minute Routine That can make you feel energized at Work

When you are not feeling like yourself at work, and it seems impossible to bounce back, you can try this energy-boosting routine. It is so jam-packed with activities that it will be hard to end it without feeling like you can take on anything. Five minutes might not seem like a lot of time to energize yourself, especially when all you want to do is go home for the day. But even if you give it a try, you might just find yourself with the boost you need to crush the rest of your day.


See how it works;


One Minute: Stand Up & Stretch

You don’t need to run a marathon to energize yourself at work. This might mean standing up periodically or taking a stroll around the office area. But don’t get too caught up on the type of activity you do. Just get yourself moving for 60 seconds.


Two Minutes: Complete an Errand

Choose one of those short errands and spend two minutes completing it. You can get a boost of energy any time you check something off my to-do list. When you leave the office at the end of the day, you will even have more time to do something for yourself.


One Minute: Write Down Your Weekend Plans

If you are low on energy, you are probably lacking the motivation to get anything done as well. When you are not feeling motivated, thinking about my weekend plans gives me a jolt. You might have something really fun you are looking forward to. No matter what’s going on, write it down on a sticky note, and put it on your monitor. You will be surprised how much harder you will work when you know there is a reminder that a reward is getting closer and closer.


One Minute: Text a Friend

Check in with someone you care about. Maybe you just need to tell someone that you do not have a ton of energy at the time. You can use a group chat app with your friends to tell jokes and update each other on your lives. And when you just want to take a nap at work, nothing boosts your energy more that getting in on the action.




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