5 life lessons to learn from abraham lincoln’s leadership
Abraham Lincoln is viewed as one of the most popular and influential presidents of all time. Lincoln was known for his leadership during extremely tough times. Lincoln’s presidency lasted from 1861 until 1865, when he was assassinated. His legacy revolves around his ability to navigate the United States through the Civil War, for the efforts of preserving America and ending slavery.
Here are 5 lessons we can learn from Lincoln leadership, followed by some of his most famous quotes.
1.) The secret to success is preparation
Have we really even prepared for the success we want? Would we even be ready for it if we got it tomorrow? Abraham Lincoln believed that success happens when we are truly ready, not just when we want it. Be patient. Set yourself up for success.
2.) Move and then move again
Lincoln believed that of course, we should be patient, but that we should also approach our goals with a sense of urgency. We cannot “stroll to our goal”. Build momentum by taking consistent and daily actions towards what you want.
3.) Impossible is possible
See other successful people as inspiration that what ever you want to achieve is possible. What ever you want to do, in some form, has already been done before. Never think it is impossible, no matter how the odds are stacked against you.
4.) Create a great reputation
Lincoln believed that a solid reputation is like fine art, easy to ruin and hard to create. Don’t try to look good, just do good. Be humble, be disciplined. You want to be remembered for good when you are no longer there.
5.) Always improve
If you improve a little bit, in one area each day, imagine where you would be in five to ten years. That time is going to pass anyway. So we might as well fill it with amazing progress and surprise ourselves with a beautiful future.