5 key Questions that can Make You 5 Times More Successful

Doing your best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment. What’s the point of achievement if your life has no balance?  There is no point.  Without commitment for what you want most, and gratitude for what you already have, you’ll never know the true joy of success, because nothing will ever change, and even when it does, it will never be good enough in your mind.

See five key questions that successful people ask themselves that dictate both the effectiveness of their decisions and the quality of their lives. If you avoid these questions and make decisions unconsciously, you will end up like the majority of people who tend to be out of shape physically, exhausted mentally, and personally and professionally stressed out.


  1. Am I focusing on the right things?

At every moment, millions of little things compete for your attention.  All these things fall into one of two categories: things that are important and things that are not.

People never get more done by blindly working more hours on everything that comes up.  Instead, they get more done when they follow careful plans that measure and track key priorities and milestones. So if you want to be more successful and less stressed, don’t ask how to make something more efficient until you’ve first asked, “Do I need to do this at all?”



  1. Is my mindset in the positive or the negative?

Where your mind goes, energy flows.  Which area of your life do you tend to focus on: what you have or what’s missing from your life?

Rather than focusing on what you don’t have and begrudging those who are better off than you, perhaps you should acknowledge that you have lots to be grateful for.  Developing a habit of appreciating what you have can create a new level of emotional well-being and strength.  But the real question is: do you take time to feel deeply grateful with your mind, body, heart and soul?  That’s where the energy to take positive action comes from. So don’t let negativity and drama get the best of you. Walk away from the nonsense around you.  Focus on the positives, and soon the negatives will be harder to see.


  1. What meaning am I assigning to my challenges?

Even when we’re being positive, we all have challenges; there’s no escaping that.  But how you feel about your life has little to do with the events in it or what has (or hasn’t) happened to you.  The meaning you assign to these things controls the quality of your life.  Most of the time, however, you may be unaware of the effect of your unconscious mind in assigning meaning to life’s events.  So check-in with yourself. When something negative happens, view this circumstance as a chance to learn something you didn’t know.  Don’t wish it never happened.  Don’t try to step back in time.  Take the lessons learned and step forward. Take control and always remember: Meaning equals emotion and emotion equals power.  Choose wisely.



  1. What will I do next to progress?

Successful people know that a good plan executed today is better than a perfect plan executed someday.  They don’t wait for the “right time” or the “right day” or the “right (impossible) circumstances”, because they know these reactions are based on a fear and nothing more.  They take action here and now, today – because that’s where real progress happens.


  1. What tangible reminders do I need to see to stay motivated?

Think of moments when you are most likely to give in to impulses that take you farther away from your ultimate goals.  Then use tangible reminders of those goals to interrupt the impulse and keep you on track.


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