5 facts about finding your passion
- Passion is the emotional form of caring. Passion is an emotionally charged version of caring about something. When you care about something so much that you can feel it, that is passion. If you want to find your passion, never ignore the first step of considering what you care about most. Passion starts out as a seed of caring about something, and only when it is cultivated will it grow and be seen. While passion is an attribute, caring is a verb.
- Society pressures us to have a passion. Many people have an opinion about what you are supposed to be doing with your life. Many people will expect you to be passionate about something, and it is important to understand this pressure, because understanding societal expectations makes you less liable to them.
- Sometimes passion can be purposely built. Passion is not something you can directly control, but if you begin to do something every day, increasing your skill and understanding, you are far more likely to develop a passion for it. It starts with the choice you are going to care about it enough to invest your time and energy into it.
- Those who try to artificially generate passion fail. Lasting passion springs forth naturally from spending time in one area: it’s satisfying and engaging. Those who try to generate it artificially by watching a motivational video for instance is often short-lived.
- It is not out of place to feel lost. Nobody knows his exact path; life is more about exploring than following steps. If you know you have passion welled up inside of you, keep exploring. When you find something you truly care about, focus on it, nurture it, and it may well grow into a powerful passion for life.