5 Almost-Normal Vaginal Conditions

1. Ingrown hairs
This is hair that sticks around post-grooming by curling back underneath the skin’s surface and continuing to grow.
This can cause a bump or inflammation and pus in that area.
To prevent ingrown hairs avoid common irritants like fragrant soaps, bubble bath liquids and bath sals. Make sure to clean the skin of the pubic area before and after shaving, waxing or laser.

2. A bump near the opening of the vagina
This is probably a Bartholin’s cyst – a common condition when the glands on both sides of the vaginal opening become blocked. This blockage causes the fluid to go back up inside the gland.
These can be treated by a warm bath, or a warm compress and if painful, with medication.
Yet, if it’s extremely painful, you have trouble walking or urinating, with fever or chills then see your doctor.

3. Pus-filled blisters
These are vaginal boils and are often caused by shaving or waxing. The best way to prevent these are changing your razors regularly and giving the skin a protective, soapy coating before shaving.
However, do not squeeze or try to pop the boil yourself. Instead, use a warm compress on the skin and wear loose clothing and underwear while it heals.
If it doesn’t go away after two weeks or is wider than two or three fingertips, visit your ob-gyn.

4. Different coloured patches of skin
This is most likely a benign mole which is probably harmless as vaginal cancer is rare.
The only time to worry is when the spot it multi-coloured, itchy, raised or increasing in size.

5. Vaginal pimples
These flesh-coloured pimples could be syringoma which are tiny, harmless bumps that occur when sweat ducts are blocked.
They often appear on top of the vagina, but can also show up on other parts of your body.

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