4 tough truths Of Life That we must learn to accept
There are some indisputable facts that are simply inevitable on our journey in life. Most times, the next man’s struggles are different from our own. Our trials are unique but believe it or not, there are some tough truths that all men collectively share. When you understand that you are not alone when dealing with these things, it makes going through them that much easier.
Here are four facts that we should know;
- Friends come and friends go
This is a fact of life that I had to learn the hard way. Not all friendships are meant to last forever. Just because you were told that your friends from way back are supposed to be for life, that does not mean it’s always going to be the case. People are connected through experiences, similar struggles, common interest, etc. This means that as we grow older, developing new outlooks on life and acquiring new hardships and goals ahead, if our childhood friends don’t mirror those concepts, the gap between the closeness will grow. Do not think of it as the end of the world when you lose a friend. Accept and find peace in what the friendship gave you and cherish the ones who managed to stay even more. Do not take things personally and accept things as they come. If you are meant to be friends with someone, no matter what, you will be. Whether that be now or in the future, the ones who matter will always come back.
- Life Is unfair
You can do every little thing that you are supposed to do, the way you only know how, with nothing but good intentions, and have the absolute worst thing happen to you. This is only hard to accept when we expect everything to go our way.Imagine a world where life is fair according to everyone; it’s just not possible, all matches will end in a draw and everyone will get promoted in office. When we think we are above the ills of the world, the smallest unplanned inconveniences throw us for a loop. Getting back above ground is what we can control, recovering from misfortune is what our responsibility is. It’s when we are wallowing in self-pity, feeling like the whole world is against us, is when this becomes the most difficult. Don’t complain about the shortcomings, don’t play the victim. That’s what losers do. Expect to get hit. Just also expect to get back up.
- You Will Never Experience The Same Thing Twice
Learning to enjoy the moment when you are in it instead of missing it when it is gone is a practice that we often times do not learn to master. You cannot count on too much in life, but one guarantee is that whatever moment you are in currently, will not be there forever. Cherish where you are, instead of missing them forever when they are over.
- The Only Person You Can Count On Saving You Is YOU
Ultimately, you are the one who is responsible for you. We can go on and blame our parents, the environment around us or the circumstances that have come and put us in compromising situations but that will not change the fact that it is up to us to make a difference in our own lives. Looking for outside help from others will either leave us to let down or just looking. Most times, there will be friends who will come and save us from ourselves and family who will occasionally throw us a life jacket when things get out of control, but solely depending on these external factors leaves us in the position to be compromised. Knowing about the realities of reality only helps with acceptance, and sometimes that’s what you need the most when you are trying to move on.