4 thoughtful questions successful people ask themselves

Successful persons never stop seeking answers. They have come to understand that success is not all about knowing the answer to everything. It is all about asking the right question, at the right time to the right person.Take out time to evaluate by asking yourself these questions and sincerely answering them. Where there are no answers, then it is time for you to re-strategize.
Below are four questions to always keep you in check;
Am I in the right niche?
Sometimes the career path we chose years ago just does not fit as well today. It is possible you have not sat down in a while to really consider whether you are in the correct niche or following the right path. Knowing your niche can help you set successful goals in your professional life. Diving deep into your niche means you have sincere passion for your industry, and this passion will shine through everything you do.
Am I learning from my failures?
No matter how much you try and fail, try again and fail better. When it comes to accomplishing your goals and getting where you need to be in your career, you should always remember this.
You cannot be so afraid to make mistakes that you never truly take risks in your career. However, you should also be learning from the mistakes you make and the times you have failed. Take a class, do some reading, or seek advice from a mentor. Never let any opportunity to learn pass by as no knowledge is ever lost.
Am I challenging myself continuously?
Living within the confines of your comfort zone can be quite comfortable because there are no risks and dangers. Your comfort zone stands in between you and your success. By always following the familiar path, you will always get to the same destination. If you always do what you have continuously done, you will always get the same result. Successful people have developed the habit of continuously challenging themselves. They pushed themselves beyond their limits. It is a central aspect of their growth as a person.
How can I be more productive?
In life, we all have the same amount of time to spend. No one has access to more than 24 hours each day. The difference is how we choose to spend our time. While some choose to waste it, others continuously seek to make the most of it. Successful people do not only place great emphasis on time management, but also on managing the activities they spend their time with.