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32-year-old man defiles seven-year-old girl in Anambra



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A 32-year-old man has been arrested by men of the Anambra state police command for allegedly defiling a seven-year-old girl at Okpoko near Onitsha.


Spokesperson of the state police command, Haruna Mohammed, in a statement released, gave the identity of the suspect as Chigbo Akpoluobi, a resident of Obodoukwu Road, Nkitaku, Okpoko, Anambra.


According to Mohammed, the suspect allegedly lured the victim to his apartment on June 14, to defile her.


“On June 16, at about 12: 30p.m., following a tip off, police operatives attached to the Okpoko Division, arrested one Chigbo Akpoluobi for defiling a seven-year -old girl.

The scene was visited by police detectives and the victim was taken to the hospital for medical examination. Meanwhile, the suspect has voluntarily confessed to the offence.” the police spokesman said.


Mohammed added that the State Commissioner of Police, John Abang, has directed that the case be transferred to the State Criminal Investigation Department, Awka for discreet investigation.

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