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3 Rules Of Making Money Used By World Billionaires



Do you know that there are different set of rules to how the rich are making money? Have you been having problem with how to succeed financially? Extreme poverty is life threatening. It affects one billion people, roughly the equivalent of the entire population of the Americans and Africans.

Let’s be honest. We all want to be well off, wealthy, rich, and being in abundant. And we’re fascinated by others who already are. How did they do it and how we can do it too?

The fact remains that, wealthy people tend to understand and do things the rest of us don’t. In time past, to become rich our parent will always tell us to go to school, graduate as one of the best in the class and we will get a good high paying job with lots of benefits.

Presently, that rule doesn’t work anymore, it has changed. You now have to play by the new rules if you want to make money. Unfortunately, only few people are aware of these rules and that is why only few people end up becoming a millionaire.

So, how can one make money just the way these millionaires make theirs? What are the new rules of making money that are not obvious to the majority?

In this post, I will be sharing with you the new rules of making money if you thrive for financial freedom that everyone has been preaching. These rules are what the richest people in the world followed but it is not just obvious to you becomes some of you still think that some of them became rich out of luck.

Mention any rich person and I will tell you that they all followed the rules that I will be sharing with you in this post. Is it Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gate, Robert Kiyosaki, Tony Robbins or Gray of Vayner Media? Here are the rules these people followed

Rule 1: Find and Follow Your Passion

One of your primary responsibilities in life is to find out what you really enjoy doing, what you have a natural talent for, and then throw your whole heart into doing that particular work very well.

Doing what you love to do is one of the greatest secrets of financial success.

As you begin your journey to making more money, never limit the vision you have for your life based on your current circumstances.

Regardless of your past, you’re more powerful and talented than you can imagine. I had no reason to believe that I could one day live my dream as a full-time freelance writer. No reason to believe, except that my heart told me it was my path. Except that my mind invented dreams that felt so real, that faith said all the struggle and hardship and the toil would be worth it. And it was and still is.

The best worthy lifestyle is when you get paid for doing what you love. You don’t feel stressed. Money is sweet when it comes from your passion. If I am lying ask Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, Bill Gate of Microsoft, Richard Branson of Virgin Group, the list is endless.

One of the new rule of making money is to find and follow your passion and start up a business with it. What are you gifted at that can be turn into a business? Is it creating apps, writing, web design and developing, fashion designing, singing, dancing or making people laugh (comedy)?

It does not cost anything to start making money from your passion. All you need is to decide and take action. I started my freelance writing business with just a smart phone, a pen, notebook and an internet connection. I did not even have a laptop then.

Today, I have built a business out of it. I now have writers under me that do most of the writing while I just manage the business. Even when I am out on a trip, my business still run because I have a team working for me. I make money while I sleep.

There is nothing so sweet as that!

Rule 2: Leverage

Yes, for you to make money in this era, you need to learn how to leverage whatever you are doing. Bill Gate can’t be the one doing everything from writing software to marketing them. neither do you expect Mark Zuckerberg too.

The reason why I am one highly paid freelance writer is not because I can write better than anyone else, it is because I have mastered how to leverage my time and opportunities. When I started, I was the one doing all the work. From writing to looking for clients.

I was not having time for myself, I see every time as work time. When I started reading business books, I discovered that I can outsourced some of my work at a low price while I keep the remaining cash.

This was how I grew my freelance writing business into what it is today. If you must become a millionaire, you must learn how to leverage your time for more productive tasks. You must get a team to work with.

You must have heard that if you want to go far, go with a team. If you want to build a app creating company, first build a team and share the vision with them.

Whatever you want to build, don’t think of yourself doing it alone. Think of how you can work with a team so you can have more time to go look for high paying clients.

Rule 3: Create New Stream of Income

When it comes to wealth creation strategies, investing wisely and managing your money are very important, but nothing beats having more coming in, in the first place.

Check it out for yourself. Look at any prosperous person you admire and see if they are living from one stream of income. The rich always have several money making schemes going for them.

One way to do that is to turn your surplus cash into assets that will work for you and bring in income, even when you are not there. This include, rental properties, precious stones investing, investing in treasury bills or bonds.

When I say create new income streams, what I mean is create them for you. They can be old ones in the marketplace. Just make sure you don’t depend on one stream of income.

You will amaze at how fast you will start seeing positive results in your life if you faithfully follow these new rules of making money.

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