
3 Reasons Why People Do not Take Risks

Risk can be a great asset to your life because it pushes you to let go and think outside of your box. You find that there are so many things that you had left on the table because you would always refuse to take that leap of faith. The thing about risk is, without taking it, you will never know what could happen. We cannot live our most fulfilling life if we do not take any risks. If we don’t take risks we don’t grow. If we don’t grow we can never be at our best.

See three reasons why people limit themselves and leave their comfort zone;

  1. We do not think we are good enough.

We have spent too much time listening to our own doubts and the doubts of others. We have spent too much time focusing on the obstacles than the goal. We have spent too much time judging, evaluating and attempting to control, that we cannot get out of our own head, out of our own way and we have forgotten that we are great enough to make it happen with passion, persistence & faith. Believe in yourself.

  1. We have little information to work with

There is very little information to work with. We generally do not want to work with uncertainty, and we like to decide when we have information to make a choice. It is important to get as much information about your choices so that you can reduce the uncertainty of deciding in the dark.


  1. We do not think we will be loved enough.

We are afraid that by making certain decisions we will lose the approval of the people closest to us.  We grow up looking for approval from parents, teachers, and friends. We grow up looking for the pat on the back, then as adults, we do the same thing in the workplace. We can become people pleasers and lose our sense of purpose in the process. We think that if we do certain things our family, friends, coworkers will become disconnected. Yes, that might happen, especially initially. A small number of family and friends might not understand but the great part is that more people will be inspired.

More people will be inspired by your ability to make such a big decision. They will be inspired by you taking a risk and forging your own path.


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