20 simple habits of successful people

  1. They look for and find opportunities where others see nothing.
  2. They find a lesson while others only see a problem.
  3. They are solution focused.
  4. They are not controlled or limited by fear.
  5. They ask the right questions; the ones which put them in a productive, creative, positive mindset and emotional state.
  6. While they are not necessarily more talented than the majority, they always find a way to maximise their potential. They get more out of themselves. They use what they have more effectively.
  7. They are busy, productive and proactive. While most are laying on the couch, planning, over-thinking, they are out there getting the job done.
  8. They align themselves with like-minded people. They understand the importance of being part of a team. They create win-win relationships.
  9. They have clarity and certainty about what they want for their life. They actually visualise and plan their best reality while others are merely spectators of life.
  10. They innovate rather than imitate.
  11. They do not procrastinate and they don’t spend their life waiting for the ‘right time’.
  12. They consistently do what they need to do, irrespective of how they are feeling on a given day. They do not spend their life stopping and starting.
  13. They deal with problems and challenges quickly and effectively, they don’t put their head in the sand. They face their challenges and use them to improve themselves.
  14. They don’t believe in, or wait for fate, destiny, chance or luck to determine or shape their future. They believe in, and are committed to actively and consciously creating their own best life.
  15. While many people are reactive, they are proactive. They take action before they have to.
  16. They are more effective than most at managing their emotions. They feel like we all do but they are not slaves to their emotions.
  17. Their desire to be exceptional means that they typically do things that most won’t. They become exceptional by choice. We are all faced with live-shaping decisions almost daily. Successful people make the decisions that most would not and do not.
  18. They have identified their core values and they do their best to live a life which is reflective of those values.
  19. They have balance. While they may be financially successful, they know that the terms money and success are not interchangeable. They understand that people who are successful on a financial level only, are not successful at all. Unfortunately we live in a society which teaches that money equals success. Like many other things, money is a tool. It’s certainly not a bad thing but ultimately, it’s just another resource.
  20. They are adaptable and embrace change, while the majority are creatures of comfort and habit. They are comfortable with, and embrace, the new and the unfamiliar.


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