20 Best Courses To Study In Nigeria In 2018

There is nothing wrong with having passion in doing a job that pays less but in an idea world and especially in Nigeria, most people will choose one of the best courses that is rewarding and at the same time fulfilling.
The recent demand for higher education in Nigeria due to the limited space in our institutions of higher learning has necessitated the habit of getting admission irrespective of the course on offer.
Some people will argue that they will not wait for years before they will get admitted in their course of choice rather they will prefer to take any course so far it can lend to being a university student.
The downside of such a decision is so or later you will graduate from the program and you will face the job market with a qualification with a discipline that does not produce a job vacancy in Nigeria job sector.
This can favor those that are well connected because with their connection they can get a job in areas that do not related with their course of studies.
If you don’t have a strong network or family connection that will make getting a job after graduation easy for you, in addition you only have a qualify with no extra skills it is better you reconsider you course of study now or you will end up trying to look for a business to do after you must have graduated from the university.
There is no special way to figure out what is the current and future jobs in Nigeria but if you are following trends in Nigeria job market you will come to the realization that some sectors are hotter than others.
Irrespective of the profession you choose, the key to success is to work hard and differentiate yourself in a unique way from others so that it will make getting your dream job a breeze when you are out of the university.
Now lets quickly go through the list of the hottest programs to study in Nigeria in 2018
1. Accounting
2. Economics
3. Brand Management and Visual Communication
4. Tourism and Hospitality Management
5. Computer Science / Software Developer
6. Medicine
7. Marketing
8. Industrial Engineering
9. Network and System Administration
10. Sales Representative
11. Content Curator and Strategist
12. Security (Online and Offline)
13. Psychology
14. Civil Engineering
15. Mechanical Engineering
16. Make-up and Skin care specialist
17. Electrical Engineering
18. Computer Engineering
19. Software Engineering
20. Statistics
If there is any course that was omitted from this list and you feel it should be added, kindly use our comment box to let us know and also tell us why you think is a hotter profession.