18 Simple ways to stay healthier each day

You want to exercise more but there’s no time and so you have pushed your own health to a lower priority. The good part is that little things can make a big difference and the sooner you start with small things, the sooner you will be able to move on to bigger things.
Here are a few tips that you can use each day to boost your health amidst the daily grind.
- Stand up and stretch at least once an hour.
- Do jumping jacks in the morning when you get out of bed.
- Go for a walk around your office building.
- Drink lots of water throughout the day.
- Take time to eat breakfast.
- Smile at people (a cheerful heart is good medicine).
- Schedule downtime once a week.
- Sometimes, drive with the windows down.
- Take a 20 minute power nap to recharge.
- Substitute your fries for vegetables at dinner.
- Snack on fruit or veggies instead.
- Laugh out loud at jokes (laughter is good medicine).
- Sit up straight at your desk, with your feet flat on the floor.
- Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
- Pack a healthy lunch instead of eating out every day.
- Have a regular sleep schedule (at least 6 – 7 hours).
- Get at least 10-15 minutes of sunlight each day
- Get an occasional massage to release tension.
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